
The browbeating of China : and an analysis of the Japanese demands together with the documents exchanged between Japan and China, including the treaties signed by the two powers

Shanghai : The commercial Press, 1915

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 206 F 1 (4)


Les traités inégaux de la Chine et l'attitude des puissances

Paris : Rivière, 1929

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 54 Gz 3

China : the Imperial maritime customs. III. Miscellaneous series ; no 30. Treaties, conventions,... between China and foreign states

Shanghai : Statistical department of the inspectorate general of customs, 1908

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 059 D 17

China : the Maritime customs. III. Miscellaneous series ; no 30. Treaties, conventions, ... between China and foreign states

Shanghai : Statistical Department of the Inspectorate General of Customs, 1917

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 36 Fz 9

Vol. I. Russia, international protocol, Great Britain, United States of America, France, Import tariff agreement

Vol. II. Belgium, Sweden and Norway, Sweden, Germany, Portugal, Denmark, The Netherlands, Spain, Italy, Austria-Hungary, Japan, Peru, Brazil, Congo Free State, Mexico, Korea

China : The Maritime customs. III. Miscellaneous series ; no 30. Treaties, conventions,... between China and foreign states

Shanghai : Statistical department of the inspectorate general of customs, 1917

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 059 D 17

Supplementary volume to edition of 1908


The unequal treaties China and the foreigner

London : Murray, 1929

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 206 C 10


Hertslet’s China treaties. Treaties, etc., between Great Britain and China between China and foreign powers, and orders in council, rules, regulations, acts of Parliament, decrees, etc., affecting British interests in China

London : Harrison and Sons, 1908, 2 volumes

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 32 E 25, 36 Cz 70

Traités en vigueur au 1er janvier 1908. Vol. I : 1689-1907. Quelques textes en français


Treaties and tariffs regulating the trade between Great Britain and China... and orders rules regulations acts of Parliament affecting British interests in China in force on the 1st january 1896

London : Harrison, 1896, 2 volumes

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 30 H 17


China y Argentina (1972-2002) : recueil d'archives, documents diplomatiques comprenant traités, accords, discours, télégrammes entre les deux pays

Pékin : Ed. des archives centrales, 2003

Bibliothèque du MEAE : W 7783, 8° 5510

List of treaties, conventions, exchanges of notes, and other international agreements in force between the United States and China, and between the United States and other powers in relation to China

Washington : Government Printing Office, 1925

3 juillet 1844 au 1er octobre 1922. Liste qui fait référence aux publications officielles dans lesquelles se trouvent les textes des traités


Treaties and Agreements with and concerning China, 1894-1919. A collection of state papers, private agreements, and other documents, in reference to the rights and obligations of the Chinese Government in relation to foreign powers, and in reference to the interrelation of those powers in respect to China, during the period from the Sino-Japanese War to the conclusion of the World War of 1914-1919

New York : Oxford University Press, 1921

Bibliothèque du MEAE : T 6719, 059 D 3, 056 Az 3 (21)

Vol. I : période mandchoue, 1894-1911. Vol. II : période républicaine, 1912-1919

MAYERS, William Frederick

Treaties between the Empire of China and foreign powers, together with regulations for the conduct of foreign trade, conventions, agreements, regulations, etc

Shanghai : "North China Herald Limited", 1906

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 54 Iz 7

1842-1903. Quelques textes en français

Mandchuria. Treaties and agreements

Washington : Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1921

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 056 Az 4 (13)



Hsin-tsuan Yo-chang Ta-ch’uan

Shanghai : Ch’ung-i T’ang, 1908, 15 volumes


Outer Mongolia. Treaties and agreements

Washington : Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1921

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 056 Az 4 (11)


PRICE, Ernest Batson

The russo-japanese treaties of 1907-1916, concerning Manchuria and Mongolia

Baltimore : The Johns Hopkinspress, 1933

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 54 Kz 43

ROCKHILL, William Woodville

Treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea (1894-1904), together with various State papers and documents affecting foreign interests

Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904

1ère partie : Chine. 2ème partie : Corée

ROCKHILL, William Woodville

Treaties, conventions, agreements, ordinances, etc., relating to China and Korea (October 1904-January 1908), being a supplement to Rockhill’s treaties and conventions with or concerning China and Korea (1894-1904)

Washington : Government Printing Office, 1908

1ère partie : Chine, 1896-1907. 2ème partie : Corée, 1904-1907. Quelques textes en français

Shantung. Treaties and agreements

Washington : Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1921

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 056 Az 4 (12), 059 D 13


Sinicae Res : les délimitations de frontières et les traités avec la Chine

Paris : L. Baudoin, 1889

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 31 D 11 (4)

Treaties, conventions, etc., between China and foreign states

Shanghai : Statistical Department of the Inspectorate general of customs, 1908-1917

Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-493

Vol. I : Russie, Grande-Bretagne, États-Unis, France, conventions multilatérales (1689-1905). Vol. II : Russie, Grande-Bretagne, États-Unis, France, Suède, Portugal, Pays-Bas, Japon, Brésil, conventions multilatérales (1894-1915)

Treaties and agreements with and concerning China : 1919-1929

Washington : Carnegie endowment for international peace, 1929

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 056 Az 4 (18)

Treaties between the Republic of China and foreign states. 1927-1957

Taipei : Ministry of foreign Affairs, 1958

Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-521

Treaties between the Republic of China and foreign states. 1958-1961

Taipei : Ministry of foreign Affairs, 1963

Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-521

Treaties of the Ch’ing dynasty, compiled by Hsü T’ung-hsin, Wang I and Chang Chen-i

Peking : Ministry for Foreign Affairs, 1915

Portfolio I : traités conclu sous les règnes de K’ang-hsi, Yung-cheng, Ch’ien-lung et Tao-kuang avec la Russie (1662-1795), le Royaume-Uni (1821-1850), les États-Unis, la France et l’Italie (1821-1850). Portfolio II : traités conclu sous le règne de Hsien-feng (1851-1861). Portfolios III et IV : traités conclu sous le règne de T’ung-chih (1862-1874). Portfolio V : supplément aux traités conclu sous le règne de Kuang-hsü (1875-1908). Portfolio VI : traités conclu sous le règne de Hsuan-t’ung (1909-1911) et traités multilatéraux. En chinois


La politique étrangère du gouvernement national de Chine et la révision des traités inégaux

Paris : Giard, 1931

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 206 B 4

WOU, Piontchong

Histoire diplomatique de la Chine depuis 1919 : la révision des traités sino-étrangers

Paris : Rousseau, 1932

Bibliothèque du MEAE : 206 B 14