États-Unis (voir aussi Hawaï)
BEVANS, Charles
Treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America, 1776-1949
Washington : Department of State, 1968-1974
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-534
Tome 1 : Multilateral, 1776-1917. Tome 2 : Multilateral, 1918-1930. Tome 3 : Multilateral, 1931-1945. Tome 4 : Multilateral, 1946-1949. Tome 5 : Afghanistan-Burma. Tome 6 : Canada-Czecholovakia. Tome 7 : Denmark-France. Tome 8 : Germany-Iran. Tome 9 : Iraq-Muscat. Tome 10 : Nepal-Peru. Tome 11 : Philippines-United Arab Republic. Tome 12 : United Kingdom-Zanzibar. Tome 13 : General index
Bilateral treaties, conventions and agreements in force between the United States of America and other American Republics as of March 1, 1948
Washington, D.C. : Pan American Union, 1948
Liste de traités
Compilation of treaties between the United States and certain foreign powers with amendments, modifications, or reservations adopted by the United States Senate and the action of foreign governments thereon
Washington : Government Printing office, 1921
1794-1916. Quelques textes seulement sont publiés
Compilation of treaties in force prepared under act of July 7, 1898
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1899
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-153
Traités en vigueur au 11 avril 1899
Compilation of treaties in force prepared under resolution of the Senate of February 11, 1904
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1904
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-154
Traités en vigueur au 28 avril 1904
DAVENPORT, Frances Gardiner ; PAULLIN, Oscar Charles
European treaties bearing on the history of the United States and its dependencies
New York : Carnegie Institution of Washington, 1917-1937
Bibliothèque du MEAE : 48 Az 1 (tomes 1, 3, 4), 43 Dz 3 (tome 2)
Vol. I : 1455-1648. Vol. II : 1650-1697. Vol. III : 1698-1715. Vol. IV : 1716-1815
ELLIOT, Jonathan
Diplomatie code of the United States of America, embracing a collection of treaties and conventions between the United States and foreign powers, from the year 1778 to 1827
Washington : Jonathan Elliot, Junior, 1827
Important state papers containing the treaties existing between the United States and foreign powers
New York : printed at the Office of the Diary, 1795
LANGE, Christian Louis
Les traités de paix américains : textes complets des traités avec une introduction et un commentaire
Kristiania : H. Aschehoug & Co., 1916
Bibliothèque du MEAE : 48 A 8 (7)
Traités de paix, 1913-1915
List of treaties, conventions, exchanges of notes, and other international agreements in force between the United States and China, and between the United States and other powers in relation to China
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1925
3 juillet 1844 au 1er octobre 1922. Liste qui fait référence aux publications officielles dans lesquelles se trouvent les textes des traités
List of treaties submitted to the Senate (1789-1931), which have not gone into force
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1932
Traités qui ne sont plus en vigueur au 1er octobre 1932
List of treaties submitted to the Senate (1789-1934)
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1935
1er Congrès (4 mars 1789) au 73ème Congrès (18 juin 1934)
MALLOY, William M. ; GARFIELD, Charles
Treaties, conventions, international acts, protocols, and agreements between the United States of America and other powers
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1910-1938
Bibliothèque du MEAE : 49 C 36 (vol. 1 à 3), Fr-155 (vol. 1 à 4)
Vol. I : 1776-1909 (Algérie à Mascate). Vol. II : 1776-1909 (Nassau à Zanzibar ; conventions internationales). Vol. III : 1910-1923. Vol. IV : 1923-1937
MILLER, Hunter
Treaties and other international acts of the United States of America
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1930
Bibliothèque du MEAE : AE 384 (vol. 3 à 5)
Traités qui ont été ou sont encore en vigueur. Les accords avec les tribus indiennes ne sont pas inclus dans ces volumes. Vol. I : plan de l’ouvrage, listes et tables. Vol. II : 1776-1818. Vol. III : 1819-1835. Vol. IV : 1836-1846. Vol. V : 1846-1852. Vol. VI : 1852-1855. Vol. VII : 1855-1858. Vol. VIII : 1858-1863
PEIRCE, Charles
The American citizen’s sure guide, being a collection of most important states papers...
Kennebunk : S. Sewall, 1804
Traités en vigueur à la fin de 1803
PETERS, Richard
Treaties between the United States of America and foreign nations, from the declaration of the independence of the United States to 1845
Boston : Charles C. Little and James Brown, 1846
Treaties and conventions between the United States of America and other powers
Washington : s.n., 1887-1895
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-152
Recueil factice de 41 fascicules
Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers, since July 4, 1776
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1871
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-148
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1873
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-149
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1889
Bibliothèque du MEAE : 43 C 36, Fr-150
1778-1887. En anglais. Notes et références sur les négociations, la mise en œuvre et les abrogations de quelques traités
Treaties and conventions concluded between the United States of America and other powers since May 1, 1870
Washington : Government Printing Office, 1876
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-151
Treaties concluded by the United States of America with foreign nations
Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1866
Treaties for the advancement of peace between the United States and other powers, negociated by the Honorable William J. Bryan, Secretary of State of the United States
New York : Oxford University Press, 1920
Bibliothèque du MEAE : 056 Az 3 (9)
Traités de paix, 7 août 1913-28 octobre 1916
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on October 31, 1955
Washington : Department of State, 1955
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1959
Washington : Department of State, 1959
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1969
Washington : Department of State, 1969
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1970
Washington : Department of State, 1970
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1972
Washington : Department of State, 1972
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1973
Washington : Department of State, 1973
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1976
Washington : Department of State, 1976
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1978
Washington : Department of State, 1978
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties in force : a list of treaties and other international agreement of the United States in force on January 1, 1979
Washington : Department of State, 1979
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-533
Treaties of the United States of America with foreign nations, and proclamations (1864-1868)
Boston : Little, Brown, and Company, 1869
Treaty series
Washington : United States Government Printing Office, 1908-1946
United States treaties and other international agreements of the United States of America
Washington : Department of State, 1952-1958, 8 volumes
Bibliothèque du MEAE : Fr-532 (vol. 1 à 6)
Whitlock’s guide for Sheriffs and other officers. A compilation of the Extradition laws of the various states of the United States, the extradition treaties between the United States and foreign nations, and the divorce laws of the United States
Danville : Illinois Printing Co., 1904
Traités d’extradition en vigueur en 1904